Aces Up License this game for your web site

Cards Discarded: Deck
Cards Left:

How to Play:

Discard, by clicking on it, any card lower than another card of the same suit. Aces rank high, above the kings. The game is won if, after the entire pack is dealt, only the four aces remain, the rest of the cards having been discarded.

To deal the next four cards, click on the face down pack in the lower right.

Spaces, created by removing an entire pile, may be filled by moving the top card from any other pile. Press the "Move" button under the card that you want moved. You can only move a card if there is an empty space on the board.

Fewer than 25 cards discarded - try again!
25-30 cards discarded - good
31-40 cards discarded - great
More than 40 cards discarded - wow!

This card game is not easy to win!


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You may play the games, but you may not copy any of the graphics or the game source to another web site unless you license the game from KMG Associates.